PBD Worldwide is proud to announce their recognition as one of the National Best and Brightest in Wellness® for 2015. This program honors companies and organizations that recognize and celebrate quality and excellence in employee and worksite health. This is PBD Worldwide’s second consecutive year appearing on the list.
The 2015 winning companies were evaluated by an assessment, created and administered by SynBella, the nation’s leading wellness systems firm. Company entries are examined statistically for quantitative data and examined on a point system based upon criteria to benchmark and improve wellness program effectiveness. They include outcomes, analysis and tracking, participation & incentives, benefits and programs, leadership, employee input, culture and environment.
“We are excited to be recognized as one of the National Best and Brightest in Wellness for the second consecutive year. PBD has always been committed to the health and wellness of our employees,” said Lisa Williams, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Operations. “This year, we launched new initiatives around wellness including our Healthy Snack Program which makes healthy snack options available to our employees throughout the work day.”
The companies that have been selected to be recognized nationally as the Best and Brightest in Wellness® will be featured in the January 21, 2015 online edition of Corp! Magazine. The winning companies will also receive additional recognition and resources as a national winner.